Npm serverless-typescript
Npm serverless-typescript

npm serverless-typescript

This allows us to customize the Webpack config without having folks learn about the internals of Webpack, or maintaining their own complicated configs. To support these packages, we use the fixPackages option.


However, if you think the default config is missing some key features, feel free to open an issue about it.Ĭertain packages like ( do not work with Webpack without customizing the config. This plugin does not support customizing the Babel and Webpack configs, since serverless-webpack does a pretty good job with that. If you'd like to ignore specific files, you can use a. eslintrc.json with the rules you'd like to use. You can override this by placing your own. This plugin uses eslint-config-strongloop. echo hello > test rawFileExtensions: # An array of file extensions to import using the Webpack raw-loader. packagerOptions: # Run a custom script in the package process scripts: # files: 'schema/*.txt ' # Where the files that need to be concatenated are currently located outputPath: './ ' # Where the concatenated file should go in the package name: 'schema.txt ' # The name the the concatenated file should have packager: npm # Specify a packager, 'npm' or 'yarn'. Lib: custom-lib/src/lib # For ex, replace the long 'custom-lib/src/lib' with 'Lib' concatText: # Concatenate text files into one file on the generated package from: 'public/* ' # Where the files are currently to: './ ' # Where in the package should they go aliases: # Create an alias to 'import' modules easily with a custom path " # For ex, doesn't work by default with Webpack copyFiles: # Copy any additional files to the generated package chrome-aws-lambda # Because it'll be provided through a Lambda Layer excludeFiles: "**/*.test.ts " # Exclude files from Webpack that match the glob fixPackages: # Include fixes for specific packages

npm serverless-typescript

isomorphic-webcrypto # They'll be included in the node_modules/, more below forceExclude: # Don't include these in the package hiredis # For ex, hiredis needs to be ignored if using redis externals: # Set non Webpack compatible packages as externals mysql # Only necessary if packages are included dynamically ignorePackages: # Ignore building any of the following packages Sourcemaps: true # Enable source maps caching: true # Enable Webpack caching concurrency: 5 # Set desired concurrency, defaults to the number of available cores stats: false # Don't print out any Webpack output linting: true # Enable linting as a part of the build process generateStatsFiles: false # Creates stats files that could be used for bundle analyzing, more below esbuild: false # Use esbuild-loader instead of babel or ts for faster builds disableForkTsChecker: false # Disable the ForkTsChecker plugin, more below tsConfig: "tsconfig.json " # Path to your 'tsconfig.json', if it's not in the root forceInclude: # Optional list of NPM packages that need to be included


Install the serverless-bundle plugin using: Support for pem, txt, and other raw files.It's based on the many of ideas behind serverless-bundle. SST makes it easy to build serverless apps by letting you test your Lambda functions live. 💥 The serverless-bundle team recently launched the Serverless Stack Framework (SST). You can read more about this over on Serverless Stack. "eslint" - "webpack" - "ts-loader" - "typescript" - "css-loader" - "graphql-tag" - "babel-eslint" - "babel-loader" - "eslint-loader" - "esbuild-loader" - "serverless-webpack" - "source-map-support" - "webpack-node-externals" - "eslint-config-strongloop" - "tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin" - "fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin" - "babel-plugin-source-map-support" + "serverless-bundle"

Npm serverless-typescript